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- /*
- DTUDPServ.rexx - daytime/udp server
- Shows:
- - how to write a mix inetd/stand-alone server
- - how to write an udp server
- Simple daytime/udp server.
- Run:
- - as stan-dalone:
- rx dtudpserv
- to stop:
- rx "shell DTUDPSERV quit"
- - as inetd service
- be sure you copied rxs to c:
- add to the services database:
- daytime 13/udp
- add to the inetd database:
- daytime dgram udp nowait root c:rxs rxs dtudpserv
- or
- daytime dgram udp nowait root c:rxs rxs "dtudpserv SYSLOG"
- if you want log
- Use daytimeudp.rexx as client.
- */
- l="rexxsupport.library";if ~show("L",l) then;if ~addlib(l,0,-30) then do;say "can't find" l;exit;end
- l="rmh.library";if ~show("L",l) then;if ~addlib(l,0,-30) then do;say "can't find" l;exit;end
- l="rxsocket.library";if ~show("L",l) then;if ~addlib(l,0,-30) then do;say "can't find" l;exit;end
- prg=ProgramName("NOEXT")
- if ~RMH_ReadArgs("SYSLOG/S") then do
- call PrintFault(IoErr(),prg)
- exit
- end
- log=parm.0.flag
- ls=LastSocket()
- if ls>=0 then do
- call handle(ls)
- exit
- end
- portName=upper(prg)
- if ~OpenPort(portName) then call err "can't create port",1
- ps=PortSignal(portName)
- sock=socket("INET","DGRAM")
- if sock<0 then call err "can't create socket"
- local.addrFamily="INET"
- local.addrAddr=0
- if GetServByName("SE","daytime","udp") then
- local.AddrPort=se.ServPort
- else local.AddrPort=13
- if bind(sock,"LOCAL")<0 then call err "can't bind socket"
- call info "opened"
- sel.read.0=sock
- open=1
- do while open
- res=WaitSelect("SEL",,,or(ps,2**12))
- if res<0 then call err "wait error"
- if and(sel.signals,2**12)~=0 then open=0
- if res==1 then call handle(sock)
- if and(sel.signals,ps)~=0 then do
- pkt=GetPkt(portName)
- if pkt~=Null() then do
- comm=GetArg(pkt)
- res=0
- select
- when upper(comm)=="QUIT" then open = 0
- otherwise res=15
- end
- call Reply(pkt,res)
- end
- end
- end
- call info "closed"
- exit
- /***************************************************************************/
- handle: procedure expose remote. log prg
- parse arg sock
- if RecvFrom(sock,"dummy",1,,"REMOTE")<=0 then call info "recv error"
- call info "connection from" remote.AddrAddr":"remote.AddrPort
- call GetDate("D","GMT")
- d.0="Sun";d.1="Mon";d.2="Tue";d.3="Wed";d.4="Thu";d.5="Fri";d.6="Sat"
- m.1="Jan";m.2="Feb";m.3="Mar";m.4="Apr";m.5="May";m.6="Jun";m.7="Jul";m.8="Aug";m.9="Sep";m.10="Oct";m.11="Nov";m.12="Dec"
- all=formatdate("D","%m %w %d %Y %H:%M:%S GMT")
- parse var all i j rest
- i=i%1
- date=d.j"," m.i || rest"A"x
- if SendTo(sock,date,0,"REMOTE")<length(data) then call info "recv error"
- return
- /***************************************************************************/
- err: procedure expose log prg
- parse arg msg,ntdoerr
- log=1
- call info msg "("Errorstring()")"
- exit
- info: procedure expose log prg
- parse arg msg
- if log then call SysLog(prg msg)
- say prg":" msg
- return
- /***************************************************************************/